2008, Number 1
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Rev Odont Mex 2008; 12 (1)
Main repercussions in the oral cavity of anorexic and bulimic patients
Ochoa GL, Dufoo OS, de León TCS
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 46-54
PDF size: 358.52 Kb.
Dental profession oriented towards the population recognizes the role of nutrition in the clinical practice and applies the nutritional principles to oral health. The dentist has the opportunity to first diagnose oral manifestations due to an inadequate diet and to orient the patient to eat properly. Nutritional disorders, as bulimia and anorexia, have important repercussions in oral health of patients that suffer them. Among the manifestations, those with the biggest prevalence are: demineralization and erosion of dental enamel, caries and mucosal and periodontal alterations. Due to the nature of this diseases, the oral problems are not considered as important, however, they should be considered to be diagnosed and treated early. It is convenient to mention that their treatment is not easy and the dentist has the challenge to restore and maintain the oral health. It is necessary to advise that dental treatment is not easy and the dentist has to consider as a challenge the recovery and maintenance of the patient, and since it is a multisytemic disorder it should be treated by a multidisciplinary team of clinicians in order to save patient’s life.
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