1993, Number 2
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Vet Mex 1993; 24 (2)
Financial evaluation of a bovine brucellos control program in the Comarca Lagunera, Coahuila, México
Xolalpa CVM, Jaramillo ACJ, Pesado FA
Language: English/Spanish
References: 20
Page: 127-134
PDF size: 705.43 Kb.
A financial evaluation of a brucellosis bovine control program was done with data from 5781 cows from eleven dairy production centers in the Comarca Lagunera, Coahuila, Mexico, using The Cost-Benefit Analysis Technique. The control program was arranged in four subprograms: A, B, C and D. Subprogram C was the best as it reduced the disease's prevalence to 6.80%. None of the subprograms reduced the abortion incidence. Subprograms Cand D influenced important reductions regarding intrauterine treatments (7.24% and 7.25%, respectively) in contrast with subprograms A and B. Placenta retention incidence was increased in all subprograms: 0.375%, 1.58%, 0.24% and 1.78%, respectively. Subprogram C had an important increase in dairy production (7.87 liter average per cow daily). Subprogram A's Internal Rate of Rentability (IRR) could not be financially calculated; Subprogram B (IRR 33.06%) was lower than the Treasury Certificates "CETES" discount rates (49.45%). Only subprograms C and D had a better IRR with regard to he "CETES" discount rates, 244.25 % and 57.40%, respectively. The conclusion is that only subprograms C and D had the bestrentability rates. Subprogram C had the best sanitary and poduction results. It is suggested that financial, economical and sanitary evaluations of the brucelosis bovine control program should continue.
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