2006, Number 1
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2006; 7 (1)
Modifications of the Denver scale in the evaluation of the neurodevelopment conditions in children attended with neonatal hypoxia in an intensive care unit
Salazar SA, Ramírez OE, González FRE, Alva ME
Language: Spanish
References: 53
Page: 88-99
PDF size: 351.99 Kb.
Objective: To know the neurological development in preterm children with perinatal hypoxia background through the Denver scale.
Material and methods: Prematurity qualification-discharged patients were included from January 2002 to December 2004; their diagnosis was hypoxia and secondary neurological pathology, confirmed by transfontanelar ultrasound; it proceeded to apply the Denver scale, those with congenital malformations were excluded; later, the results were presented through charts and graphs.
Results: Out of a total of 691 discharges during the study years it was found that 38.9% (269 patients) presented USG report with some kind of a lesion and/or sequel, corresponding to 15.48% of the general population. Only 30 patients were picked, with male predominance. Ten cases resulted from the first pregnancy,13 from the second one. And out of this total 20 cases had slight asphyxia, whereas in six of them it was acute. But 66% needed support in ventilation phase III. Predominant weight rank at birth was between 1,000 and 1,500 g. The USG found avery useful tool for the detection of haemorrhages or serious neurological sequences and even hydrocephaly. As to the Denver scale evaluation, in its four areas, we found that 2/3 parts(66.6%) was abnormal and 1/3 (33.3%) normal. The most affected area was language with 22 patients and in regard to the gross motor area, patients with less than 24 months presented better detection sensibility in this area finding 11 abnormal babies, and the sensibility continued inversely proportional to the age. The same happened in the fine motor area in the 12 patients. In regard to the cognitive and language area, results were variable with predominance of better sensibility in those older than 24 months in a 2-3:1 proportion respectively normal and abnormal.
Conclusions: The premature ones are the most vulnerable population to neurological damage and, above all, if the detection is done in the first two years of life, and the possession of avery sensible tool in the four evaluation areas, as it is the case of the Denver scale, allows an early detection to establish a priority handling plan to get a better recovery and integration degree to the social and familial nucleus which they belong in the neurodevelopment follow-up and the early stimulation should be compulsory and continuous programs in every institution that has to deal with newly borns, but it must be a responsibility that each unit assumes that the personnel should be highly qualified and compromises absolutely in achieving the best quality of life of these risk children.
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