2006, Number 3
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Inv Salud 2006; 8 (3)
The beneficence and health assistance in Guadalajara
Valle BMA, Flores VME, Muñoz TA, Lemus GA, Vega LMG, González PG
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 178-184
PDF size: 394.27 Kb.
The first pillars of assistance to health and beneficence, appeared with the religious congregations being the Juaninos whom established the first beneficence hospital in Nueva Galicia, being this hospital which contributed to a charity benefit to the service of the most needy people, with the purpose of calming down their soul and body aliments, continuing with this job the illustrious Bishop Sr. Don Juan Cruz Ruiz de Cabañas continued this task, starting the construction of “la Casa de Misericordia” , dedicated at the beginning to the incurable and dying people, later this house was known as Hospice Cabañas and at the present time it works as the Instituto Cultural Cabañas, this is the trajectory of the social assistance to health and charity which was offered through beneficence. In this XXI century combining the function of education, preparation and training of the handicapped people, by doing this we want them to by themselves from their indigoes and can integrate to the society in a productive and safe and sound way. For the time being health assistance is given through public and private hospitals also the beneficence is defined as the whole public or private service which purpose is to help the helpless, pour and needy people from the health and social context. But both concepts continue with the task of support to the most needy people.
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