2003, Number 4
Thyroid primary sterile abscess: Differential diagnosis of thyroid neoplasm
Sánchez-Lozada R, Carbajal-de Nova DM, Hurtado-López LM
Language: Spanish
References: 0
Page: 175-178
PDF size: 426.69 Kb.
The thyroid abscesses are very strange. Exist predispose factors, as the immunosuppretion, cysts, disformations or dissemination of infectious focuses. It should be considered an aggressive neoplasm thyroid in their absence. Is reported a case with those characteristics. Clinical case: Male patient of 51 years-old without factors of risk. It presents sudden growth of right thyroid lobe with two weeks of evolution with disphagy disphony, pain and eritema without data of hyperthyroidism. The ultrasound reports hypoecoic image, and hypocaptivating for gammagraphy. Is carried out biopsy for aspiration with having been unspecific. It is considered the possibility of neoplasm. We decided surgery identify inflammed right lobe with abscess that was drained and take a biopsy of the wall segment. Not identified bacterial growth in the pus obtained, histopathology doesn’t report neoplasm and the patient evolves satisfactorily and without complications. Discussion: The thyroid infections are rarity. Neoplasm with aggressive evolution can lock like an abscess, and that they should be considered in the differential diagnosis when are not identified predisposing factors for the abscess. An important fact is the presence of pus sterile. The surgical handling is suggested.