2006, Number S1
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salud publica mex 2006; 48 (S1)
Social responsibility argument for the tobacco industry in Brazil
Cavalcante T, Mesquita CA, Cavalcanti RE
Language: Spanish
References: 54
Page: 173-182
PDF size: 112.02 Kb.
The issue of “corporate social responsibility” has been one of great importance and concern in the world and has received different names, such as social responsibility, corporate citizenship, sustainable development and corporate ethics. Today, more than ever, it has been necessary for governments, as well as the diverse representatives of “organized civil society,” to act in accordance with the concept of sustainable development. This implies an understanding that preservation of the environment, health and education is related to economic productivity; it means an understanding that healthy populations are essential to the reduction of poverty, as well as economic growth and sustainable development. The various positive experiences in Brazil in confronting the tobacco industry´s strategies to undermine national tobacco control efforts are due to the existence of a wide network that has played a fundamental role in social control with respect to both the monitoring of public policies that control tobacco and tobacco industry strategies.
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