2007, Number 4
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2007; 45 (4)
Significance of Occupational and Interpersonal Relationships Among Residents During the Specialization Training Course
Cumplido-Hernández G, Campos-Arciniega MF, Chávez-López A
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 361-369
PDF size: 114.53 Kb.
Medical specialty training courses have peculiar characteristics that probably influence the learning process of the residents. These training courses take place in large hospitals; the residents are subjected to a rigorous selection process, and at the same time they are affiliated employees of the institution. They work long shifts and are immersed in complex academic and occupational relationships. This study aims to ascertain the significance that these future specialists give to the environment where the training course takes place in relation with their learning process. We used the social anthropology narrative analysis method. A theoretical social perspective was used to emphasize on the context to explain the reality in which the residents live. Discipline, workload, conflictive relationships and strength of family ties were the most significant elements.
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