2006, Number 4
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An Med Asoc Med Hosp ABC 2006; 51 (4)
Simplified technique of cesarean surgery (Fernández-Guerra) versus conventional technique Comparative clinical analysis
Guerra UP, Fernández MJM, Antúnez RNA, Salazar JCM
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 159-163
PDF size: 59.73 Kb.
Objective: To compare the conventional technique of cesarean with the simplified technique in which hysterorrhaphy in a plane is closed and unnecessary surgical steps are eliminated.
Material and methods: prospective, observing, cross-sectional and analytical study. 154 patients April 2005 to July 2006 were operated in the Regional Hospital General Ignacio Zaragoza and the Regional Hospital of Puebla, of the ISSSTE. Descriptive statistic are made with measures of central tendency and dispersion. The analytical statistic with Student t test and U of Mann-Whitney. A value of p = 0.05 was considered significant.
Results: Blood loss was smaller in the group of simplified technique problem 407.14 ± 93 mL in comparison with conventional 585.71 ± 170 mL with p ‹ 0.05. Surgical time was shorter in the simplified technique 21.03 ± 2.8
vs 49.29 ± 10.8 for conventional technique p ‹ 0.001. Days of hospital stay were half with the use of the simplified technique reduced to wing, p ‹ 0.05. There was a reduced amount of analgesics in the group of patients with simplified technique, with a significant difference between both groups p ‹ 0.0001.
Conclusions: The technique of a simplified cesarean section includes a series of factors that combined cumulatively in a shorter surgical time, smaller blood loss, faster recovery and less amount of analgesics with a shorter hospital stay. All of the above contributes to diminish the surgical costs and to optimize the use of human resources destined for the cesarean as well as materials.
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