2006, Number 4
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Rev Med Hosp Gen Mex 2006; 69 (4)
Morphological correlation of pterygium and its clinical evolution
Garc韆 CKP, Romero GMB, Rodr韌uez FMA, Tenorio G
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 205-211
PDF size: 175.63 Kb.
Pterygium is a fibrovascular proliferation of the conjunctival tissue, that grows from the interpalpebral conjunctiva into the cornea.
Objective: determinate the histological and immunohistochemical (CD-117) characteristics of pterygium and correlate these findings with the clinical evolution.
Methods: this is an observational, descriptive, prospective and transversal study. The specimens of pterygium were studied from August 2005 to February 2006 on the Hospital General de Mexico. All patients had ophthalmologic clinical studies. The morphologic types were determinated like angiomatous, fibrous and mixed. For the immunohistochemical study we used mast cells specific antibody (anti CD-117) Clinical cases were followed during 3 months after the surgery.
Results: For 43 specimens of pterygium during 6 months, we included 35 for this study. The ages were from 23 to 70 years old, mean 49 years old. The histological results were angiomatous 14 (40%), fibrous 11 (31.5%) and mixes 10 (28.5%). Estimation presence of mast cells was abundant (4), moderate (4) a few (7) and not observed on 20. The immunohistochemical studies showed the presence of mast cells on 24 (68.6%) and 11 (31.4%) negative. We found glandular metaplasia on 21 (61%) specimens of pterygium. The clinical following on 22 (63%) patients had not recurrence, 8 (22.8%) with recurrence and 5 (14.3%) were incomplete.
Conclusions: the most common morphological type was the angiomatous (40%), there was no difference between relapse pterygium and presence of mast cells. An important finding was glandular metaplasia, not reported earlier. Anti CD-117 antibody is useful because it made evident the presence of mast cells in the histological studies.
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