2022, Number 3
Characterization of risk factors for cerebrovascular disease in individuals older than 60 years
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-10
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Introduction: In Consolación del Sur, cerebrovascular disease is the third cause of death as well as for the rest of the country, which denotes considerable effect in a large part of the population.Objective: To characterize the risk factors for cerebrovascular disease in patients aged 60 years and over.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional and prospective study was carried out in Alonso Rojas Popular Council from 5 de Septiembre Polyclinic between October 2015 to September 2019. Fourty one patients with the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease formed the universe and the sample, they met the inclusion criteria established in the investigation. Theoretical and empirical methods and statistical procedures were used.
Results: The behavior of the variables age, skin color, sex, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, history of cerebrovascular disease, alcoholism, smoking, arterial hypertension, type of cerebrovascular disease, type of disability and degree of validism was analyzed.
Conclusions: Cerebrovascular disease is found in patients over 60 years of age. We found male predominance of the ischemic type in white skin subjects, whose main risk factor was sedentary lifestyle. This disease has disabling sequelae, memory disorders and paralysis of the the lower limbs, with a degree of validism II.
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