2022, Number 3
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Rev cubana med 2022; 61 (3)
Causes of death in iterated hemodialysis
Marín PMC, Ibars BEV, Álvarez RJA, Gutiérrez GF, Pérez ODJF
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 392.18 Kb.
Hemodialysis is the most used renal replacement therapy in Latin America and in Cuba. It is estimated that by the year 2030 the number of patients starting therapy worldwide will increase to more than 50% compared to 2010.
To characterize the patients undergoing iterated hemodialysis treatment.
A descriptive, cross-sectional study of all patients undergoing repeated hemodialysis treatment, who deceased in the period 2013-2018 was carried out at Dr. Abelardo Buch López Institute of Nephrology. The processing was done in an automatically (IBM Spss 22.0). Gross mortality rates were calculated and the frequency distribution analysis technique was used.
The mortality rate for the period was 20.3 per 100 patients. 60.9% of the deceased patients were between 60 and 79 years of age. Arterial hypertension was the most frequent underlying disease (55.5%), and the predominant comorbidity (87.3%). 53.6% of the deceased patients used a central venous catheter, and 70% had been on hemodialysis for less than 5 years. The main cause of death was cardiovascular disease (46.4%).
At Dr. Abelardo Buch López Institute of Nephrology mortality in hemodialysis behaved in a stable manner. Similar to other reports of hemodialysis services, the deceased were mostly characterized by having a central venous catheter for hemodialysis and less than five years in treatment. The causes of death showed the same pattern as those reported in national and international analyses.
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