2024, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (4)
Psychopathic traits, their relationship with the perception of types of bonds with others
Garcia SHD, Peiró CAM
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1639-1652
PDF size: 388.05 Kb.
Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of
empathy, manipulative behavior, and a tendency towards
irresponsibility, which leads to difficulties in establishing healthy
and meaningful relationships. This study aims to understand the
influence of psychopathy on interpersonal relationships from the
participant's own perspective. For this purpose, a
descriptive/correlational study was conducted with an accidental
sample of 261 participants (mean age = 31.25 years, SD =
13.41). Data were collected using the Levenson Self-Report
Psychopathy Scale (Levenson, et al. 1995), adapted for the
Argentine population by Peiró & García (2024) (EAPL-20), and
an ad hoc survey that measures certain personal characteristics
during childhood, participants' perceptions of their bonds with
others, and their typical ways of relating to others. The results
show that individuals with psychopathic traits tend to recall being
shy, timid, and manipulative in childhood, and tend to perceive
less warmth and higher levels of manipulation, hostility, and
control from those around them. High levels of insensitivity are
associated with greater manipulation and lower levels of warmth
and respect in interactions with others.
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