2024, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (4)
Effect of premack´s principle, social reinforcement and self-management on compliance with a diet of an adult with obesity
Almaraz LM, Valenzuela R, Bermúdez K
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 1602-1610
PDF size: 331.53 Kb.
Obesity is associated with psychical disease and impacts on
psychological well-being. Obesity is mainly caused by the excess in
calories taken. Previous research shows the effect of interventions on
compliance with a diet. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the
effect of an intervention based on Premack’s principle, social
reinforcement and self-managment on compliance with a diet of an
adult with obesity. The procedure consisted of four phases: Baseline,
Premack’s principle, social reinforcement and self-managment. The
amount of food consumed not included in the diet decreases during the
intervention phases compared to the Baseline phases. The greatest
decrease occurred during the Premack’s principle. The results of the
present study contribute to the literature on effective interventions for
compliance with a diet in obese adults.
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