2025, Number 1
Neutrophil-lymphocyte index as a predictor of complicated acute appendicitis in patients at Hospital Ángeles Pedregal
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 24-27
PDF size: 169.36 Kb.
Introduction: acute appendicitis (AA) is the most common abdominal-surgical emergency worldwide, it has an incidence of 5.7 to 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants with two peaks by age, at 10 and 30 years. Objective: to analyze if there is a relationship between the neutrophil-lymphocyte index and the presence of complicated acute appendicitis. Material y methods: a descriptive observational study in which 58 files of patients submitted to emergency appendectomy between January-April 2022 were analyzed. Results: the mean of the overall neutrophil-lymphocyte index and subsequently by the complicated and uncomplicated group were 9.27, 12.41, and 5.01, respectively (p = 0.0003). Conclusion: although there is a proportional relationship between neutrophil-lymphocyte index (NLI) and the presence of complicated acute appendicitis, there is no validated cut-off point, and therefore, its routine use cannot be recommended.REFERENCES
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