2025, Number 1
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Acta Med 2025; 23 (1)
Efficacy of different pharmacological combinations in ultrasoundguided interscalene block for shoulder arthroscopy
Achar FT, Fortis OLL, Villaseñor CJA, Yáñez AAA, Aguilera ZAM
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 18-23
PDF size: 241.60 Kb.
Introduction: postoperative pain can be present in up to
80% of patients undergoing surgery, increasing morbidity and
costs. Shoulder surgery is considered one of the procedures
with the highest incidence of postoperative pain. The use of
an immediate postoperative regional analgesia technique is
associated with a decrease in postoperative complications. The
purpose of this study was to compare the duration of analgesia
between different drug mixtures used in ultrasound-guided
interscalene block performed in the immediate postoperative
period of shoulder arthroscopies due to rotator cuff pathology.
Material and methods: Prospective, longitudinal, comparative,
and experimental clinical trial. Thirty patients were scheduled
for shoulder arthroscopy with rotator cuff repair, and ASA I
and II were included. They were distributed into three groups,
each consisting of 10 patients, according to the mixture
used in the interscalene block: A) ropivacaine, lidocaine,
clonidine, and dexamethasone; B) ropivacaine, lidocaine, and
dexamethasone; and C) ropivacaine, lidocaine, and clonidine.
The collected data included vital signs, pain intensity, adverse
events, and rescue medication.
Results: No statistically
significant differences were observed between the three groups
throughout the postoperative period.
Conclusions: Based on
the results, we can recommend any of the three mixtures used
in this study as postoperative analgesia in shoulder arthroscopy
in well-selected patients.
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