2022, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Hematol Inmunol Hemoter 2022; 38 (3)
Promyelocytic leukemia: oncogenetic and molecular approaches in the precision´s medicine era
Barroso SG, Hernández PC, Garrote SH
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 529.03 Kb.
The study of the molecular pathogenesis of promyelocytic leukemia revolutionized the foundations of personalized medicine by identifying the PML/RARαoncoprotein as a target for therapies directed at the founding oncogenetic mechanism of the disease. However, in recent decades, other discoveries that provide more information about their biogenesis and development, and their potential impact on the implementation of diagnostic techniques and prognostic tools as an expression of the rapid improvement of translational medicine.
To expose the main discoveries in the current oncogenetic and molecular mechanisms in promyelocytic leukemia.
An exhaustive search was carried out in databases such as Scielo, Pubmed, ScienceDirect, Redalyc, Google Scholar, and updated articles published in the last 5 years in English and Spanish were used as references. An analysis and summary of the bibliography was carried out and the most important aspects related to the subject were taken.
Analysis and synthesis of information:
the main contributions of molecular biology to the knowledge of the origin of this entity were addressed, beyond the classical approach based on the PML/RARα gene, as well as its variants and other aspects of interest in the monitoring of the illness.
The genetic characteristics of this disease show a mutational landscape different from that of other malignant myeloid neoplasms and point out with special emphasis the importance of clinical-biological integration to facilitate, improve and develop the comprehensive care process for patients with malignant blood diseases.
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