2022, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Hematol Inmunol Hemoter 2022; 38 (3)
Surface membrane IgM multiple myeloma preceded by myelodysplastic syndrome in an elderly patient
Tello VS, Sánchez NC, Galindo CA
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 605.70 Kb.
Multiple Myeloma with expression of surface immunoglobulin M is a rare entity, whose cause is unknown, and is characterized by a high rate of genetic abnormalities in plasma cells or their precursors.
To determining the clinical characteristics and their associations with the immunophenotypic expression of surface immunoglobulin M and CD20 immunohistochemistry in a patient affected by Multiple Myeloma preceded by Myelodysplastic syndrome.
Case presentation:
A 68-year-old female patient is admitted to the Clinical Hematology Service. At the time of diagnosis, she presented pallor, thrombocytopenia, hypercalcemia, and bone lesions. Initially, flow cytometry detected aberrant patterns for neutrophilic granulocytes, monocytes, and the erythroid series suggestive of myelodysplastic syndrome. Subsequently, an 18% increase in plasma cells was observed in the bone marrow smear, exhibiting a lymphocyte-like morphology. A pathological population of 6% of the total cellularity was reported, showing positivity for CD38, CD117 and surface immunoglobulin M, negativity for CD19 and CD45, a phenotype consistent with abnormal plasma cells. Additionally, immunohistochemical results reported diffuse CD20 staining in bone marrow biopsy. The patient managed to recover after an autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant.
The results found highlight the importance of diagnosing and monitoring single cases that allow timely treatment of the patient.
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