2024, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (3)
Psychological treatments of psychotic patients in outpatient mental health devices with coverage of the mandatory medical plan
Barreira I, Comastri S, Bevacqua LN, Bidal MC, Varela PD, Amaya CG, Vignati P
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1221-1248
PDF size: 561.34 Kb.
Psychological treatments carried out in the Argentine Republic with
coverage by social works and prepaid medicine companies usually
have the logical imprint of Primary Health Care (PHC), where the
Mandatory Medical Plan (PMO in spanish) establishes a number of
assigned benefits. to each specialty. The objective of the present
study is to evaluate the effectiveness of psychological treatments
carried out with patients diagnosed with psychosis covered by the
Mandatory Medical Plan (PMO). For this purpose, a longitudinal
evaluation was carried out on people who spontaneously consulted a
mental health center located in the Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos
Aires who presented with a diagnosis of schizophrenia spectrum
disorder. The sample surveyed is 15 consultants who met the
inclusion criteria established for the study. The instruments used to
carry out the evaluation and follow-up were the PANSS scale and the
COP 13, recording clinical data such as reasons for consultation,
agreed focuses, objectives met and achievements. The results
presented refer to evidence generated between April 2022 and
September 2023. Partial results of the investigation on 15 cases are
presented, specifically the scores obtained in monthly monitoring of
the PANSS and Cop 13. In accordance with the results, the debate
arises about a partial adaptation of the PMO for this type of patients.
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