2022, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Farm 2022; 55 (3)
Data collection instrument to identify self-medication in university students
Castro EJ, Machado AJE, Molineros GLF, Tobón MFÁ, Rodríguez AE
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 1-21
PDF size: 1565.50 Kb.
Introduction: Self-medication is a common practice among university students. Some selfmedication
studies in university students do not describe the validation of their instruments.
Objective: To validate an instrument for collecting self-medication data in university
Methods: The study included the design of the instrument, for which questions were
elaborated from related articles, and their validation. Expert judgment was taken into account
with the Delphi method to validate the content. Each question was evaluated with an ordinal
scale of 1 to 4. The coefficient of variation was determined. Reliability, internal consistency
and stability were assessed. Based on the judgment of experts and their coefficient of
variation, the questions were adjusted and improved.
Results: Factor analysis indicated that it was not possible to generate more than one
dimension. Cronbach's Alpha with one component was 0.738, weighted Kappa was variable
for each question, and the intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.822. The validation of the
instrument showed a reliability classified as "good" and the agreement for the questions was
Conclusions: The instrument can be used in studies that aim to determine the prevalence of
self-medication and its associated factors.
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