2024, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (3)
Validation of the state-trait anxiety inventory in patients with Diabetes mellitus type 2
López-Pérez MG, Ávila-Jiménez L
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 1045-1068
PDF size: 491.39 Kb.
The detection of anxiety in each of the factors of the State-Trait
Anxiety Scale is important to identify anxious symptomatology as
well as to improve treatment in clinical samples. The objective of this
study was to validate the factorial structure of the State-Trait Anxiety
Scale composed of two scales: State-Anxiety and Trait-Anxiety.
Exploratory factorial analyzes were made with the Varimax rotation
method and confirmatory analyzes. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of
the State-Trait Anxiety Scale was .96, for State-Anxiety .95 and for
Trait-Anxiety .91. The hypothetical model to explain the theoretical
construct of anxiety through state-anxiety and trait-anxiety resulted
in an adequate fit in the CFI (.97 and .97), SRMR (.03 and .04),
RMSEA (.08 and .07), GFI (.95 and .96), NFI (.96 and .96), and NNFI
(.96 and .96).
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