2024, Number 6
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Med Crit 2024; 38 (6)
Precision medicine; left atrial strain predictor of diastolic dysfunction in refractory septic shock, in search of the silent killer
López FJ, Olguin HJM, Alfaro LCI, Cortes RJS, Gasca AJC
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 453-564
PDF size: 466.76 Kb.
Introduction: sepsis and septic shock remain one of the main causes of mortality and morbidity in the Intensive Care Unit. Myocardial dysfunction related to sepsis and septic shock is expressed as systolic or diastolic dysfunction of the left and/or right ventricle, isolated or combined, associated with an unavoidable short- and long-term outcome, compared to patients with preserved cardiac function; during its approach we will face a complex and difficult decision-making process, this is where transthoracic echocardiography becomes relevant as a diagnostic tool. Left atrial strain (LAS) allows early detection of left ventricular (LV) dysfunction before LVEF decline, assessing atrial function throughout the cardiac cycle by measuring reservoir, conduction, and pump functions. Reservoir phase left atrial strain (RSLS) could provide early recognition of clinical implications that facilitate risk stratification and prognosis of adverse events.
Objective: to analyze whether reservoir phase left atrial strain could be an early predictor of diastolic dysfunction in refractory septic shock in the Intensive Care Unit of the ISSSTE Veracruz High Specialty Regional Hospital B.
Material and methods: observational, descriptive, retrospective, unidirectional, single-center, homodemic study. It was carried out in the Intensive Care Unit of the ISSSTE Veracruz High Specialty Regional Hospital B, between May 2023 and July 2024. In a finite, non-probabilistic convenience sample with a record of 35 patients.
Results: in a population of 35 patients, a binary logistic regression model was used to evaluate that RSLS < 19% is associated as a risk factor for death with an OR 1.62 (95% CI 1.215-2.113), which generates an estimated score of 68%, being a strong relationship of variability in the occurrence of complications through the Nagelkerke R² coefficient of determination and representing with a p-value of 0.001, the survival rate was determined using the Kaplan-Meier curve where we can see that the survival rate is higher in patients with a RSLS > 20% compared to those with a RSLS < 19%. Regarding the RSLS mortality probability analysis, it turned out to be non-inferior to PSAP and fluid balance, however, with PVC it ??does not show statistical significance in the mortality outcome, presenting a p-value of 0.69.
Conclusions: RSLS could be feasible to predict the prognosis of adverse events associated with morbidity and mortality, therefore, justifying its gradual implementation in routine clinical practice, which makes it important as part of the evaluation in patients with refractory septic shock. However, it is important to consider that more studies should be carried out and thus establish a new line of research.
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