2024, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (4)
Design of the sexting attitudes inventory (IAS-10) for young university students
Osorio GM, Prado RC, Gómez HJT, Ruiz MC
Language: Spanish
References: 55
Page: 1448-1472
PDF size: 417.81 Kb.
The aim of this research was to design and analyze the psychometric
properties of the attitude towards sexting Inventory (IAS-10) in a sample
of Mexican university students. 352 university students from public and
private schools participated with a mean age of 20.75 years (SD=1.93).
The construct and criterion validity of the IAS-10, the invariance
according to the sex of the participants and the sensitivity of the scale
were analyzed. Regarding construct validity, the results of the
confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) suggest a bifactorial structure with
adequate fit index (χ
2/gl=1.880, CFI=.961, TLI=.948, RMSEA=.069),
which is invariant between men and women. For its part, the value of
the significant moderate associations between the IAS-10 and the
Sexting Behaviors Scale indicates criterion validity. In addition, the
discriminative capacity of the instrument is evidenced by obtaining
significant differences between low and high scores for attitude towards
sexting (p‹0.05). It is concluded that the IAS-10 is an instrument that
allows obtaining reliable, valid, and sensitive measurements to evaluate
positive and negative attitudes towards sexting in men and women the
sample showed a moderately favorable attitude towards this behavior.
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