2022, Number 4
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Rev Cuba Enf 2022; 38 (4)
Emotional Status of Post-COVID-19 Patients in the Amazonas Region of Peru
Vasquez IEL, Huyhua GSC, Zeladita HJA, Díaz MRJ, Tejada MS
Language: Spanish
References: 32
PDF size: 566.33 Kb.
The COVID-19 pandemic not only caused physical health problems, but also emotional alterations in people who contracted this disease.
To describe the emotional state of post-COVID-19 patients in a district of the Amazon Region of Peru.
Descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional study, carried out in the district of Copallín, Amazonas Region, Peru, during July-November 2021. The population consisted of 245 post-COVID-19 patients, the sample was 235 patients selected by non-probabilistic convenience sampling. The DASS-21 Questionnaire (Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale - 21) and the standardized Spanish version of Antúnez & Vinet, 2012 were applied. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 25 was used to process the information, and descriptive statistics and Pearson's Chi-square test were used.
54.47% were between 18 and 29 years of age; 51.91% were women; 63.83% were single. 55.32% present depression, 56.60 % have anxiety at different levels and 68.09 % do not present stress. In addition, correlational analysis reported that depression is related to hospitalization (p = 0.001) and sequelae of COVID-19 (p < 0.001); anxiety with educational level (p = 0.015), hospitalization (p < 0.001) and sequelae (p < 0.001); stress with educational level (p = 0.003) and sequelae (p < 0.001).
Most post-COVID-19 patients presented different levels of depression and anxiety, thus requiring effective interventions to avoid mental health consequences.
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