2024, Number S1
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2024; 45 (S1)
Relationship between violence and suicidality mediated by depression and alcohol consumption
Casas MA, Velasco RÁE, Rodríguez CA, Loredo AA, Prado SE, Álvarez MG, Tejadilla ODI
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: S40-S46
PDF size: 359.50 Kb.
Objective: This study aimed to test whether there is a relationship between five types
of violence and suicidal behaviors and if this relationship is mediated by depression
and alcohol consumption.
Materials and Methods: An online survey was conducted with school-going
adolescents from 20 states in the Republic. Five types of violence were measured using
the International Child Abuse Screening Tool for Children and Adolescents (ICAST-C),
suicidal behaviors and depression were assessed using the Youth Self Report, and
substance use was measured using the Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance Involvement
Screening Test (ASSIST). Logistic regression was performed to predict suicidal behaviors.
Results: 6,775 adolescents with internet access participated, with 61% females and
an average age of 16.40 years (SD=1.33). Between 20% and 85% reported some form
of violence, 35% reported alcohol consumption, 3.4% showed symptoms of depression,
and 7.39% reported suicidal behaviors. Significant logistic regression models
were found, indicating that psychological violence, physical violence, sexual violence,
neglect, and exposure to violence predict depression and alcohol consumption. These
variables, in turn, predict suicidal behaviors.
Conclusions: All five types of violence have an indirect relationship with suicidal
behaviors in Mexican adolescents, mediated by depression and alcohol consumption.
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