2024, Number S1
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2024; 45 (S1)
Design of a suicide prevention advertising strategy among adolescents
Casas MA, Rodríguez CA, Velasco RÁE, Funes GMO, Tejadilla ODI, Espinosa MP, Jurado GR, Téllez BAD, Castro ÁJV, Vázquez GA, Ibáñez LDL, Cuautle RJL, de la Rosa FAA, Ríos AVS
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: S29-S39
PDF size: 468.26 Kb.
Objective: This article aims to describe the process of designing and evaluating the
effectiveness of a communication strategy for the prevention of adolescent suicide
among peers.
Material and Methods: The study was carried out in four phases: 1) identification
of needs among adolescents, 2) design of the communication strategy, 3)
review of content and graphic materials by experts, and 4) piloting and evaluating
Results: The identified needs were grouped into categories: 1) Identify the warning
signs of suicidal behavior, in one's own and one's peers; 2) know what to do; 3) know
where and how to ask for help; and 4) reduce the stigma of professional mental health
care. Key content and messages were developed for the first three categories through
the acronym “ESA” (By its acronym in Spanish, Listen to the warning signs, Not Only,
and Professional Help), aimed at adolescents from 10 to 19 years old. The graphic
identity was based on three characters and an ideologue.
Conclusions: The effectiveness of a communication campaign was developed and
tested to raise awareness among adolescents about suicidal behaviors to seek help for
themselves and their peers and to reduce the stigma towards suicide and mental health
problems in adolescents.
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