2024, Number S1
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2024; 45 (S1)
Institutional diagnosis for comprehensive care of suicide attempts in a pediatric hospital
Casas MA, Rodríguez CA, Velasco RÁE, Sánchez GO, Molina VD, Esquivel AJA, Lara RGA, García PC, Palestina HM, Hernández HAM, Castillo CRA
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: S16-S28
PDF size: 468.90 Kb.
Objective: The objective of this article is to describe the findings of the situational
diagnosis carried out at a third-level institution, to identify the needs and areas of opportunity
for the attention of suicidal behaviors in children, to facilitate the transition
to the changes of the new General Health Law (LGS) regarding mental health care.
Materials and Methods: The study was carried out in three phases. First, through
40 semi-structured interviews with the personnel involved in the care of suicidal behaviors,
the following were identified: 1) the areas and people involved in the care and
2) the need to provide comprehensive care. Afterward, a literature search identified
six physical risks, and tours of the care areas were carried out. Finally, proposals were
made to begin attention to the areas of opportunity.
Results: 18 areas and 35 positions of people involved in care were identified. The
needs identified were: 1) Physical spaces and physical risks; 2) Systematization, processes,
protocols, and care models; 3) Awareness and training of staff; 4) Generation
of scientific evidence; 5) Development of prevention strategies.
Conclusion: Various areas and positions of people were involved in the care of
suicidal behaviors. The institutional needs identified were related to five categories.
Having an institutional diagnosis allowed us to begin taking action to implement the
new policies and perspectives included in the LGS regarding mental health care.
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