2024, Number S3
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2024; 45 (S3)
Human lactation, its evolutionary context and some implications for dietary guidance and parenting
Vargas LA
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: S3-S12
PDF size: 298.46 Kb.
The characteristics of human lactation are a result of our biological evolution and
life style. We are species with K reproductive strategy (few offspring with continuous
parental care), besides our newborn are neoaltricial: labile and require a long time
of extra–uterine life to reach maturity. Among mammals, each species produces milk,
whose amount, concentration and composition is adequate for their offspring. In
addition, and due to the human morphophysiological particularities, our lactation is
of continuous contact type. Nutritional guidance and breeding must take in account
these little known facts.
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