2024, Number 5
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Rev Mex Urol 2024; 84 (5)
Laparoscopic surgery in renal cell carcinoma: from radical surgery to nephron-sparing surgery
Sánchez-Mata JJ, González-León T, Hernández-Campoalegre M, Quintana-Rodríguez M, Sánchez-Tamaki R, Quelle-Santana L
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 528.47 Kb.
Introduction: Renal carcinoma represents 85 % of solid masses.
Objective: To describe the results of laparascopic radical nephrectomy and
laparoscopic nephron-sparing surgery in patients with renal cell carcinoma.
Materials and methods: A cohort, retrospective, analytic study of a
probability sample of 154 patients with renal carcinoma,
Centro Nacional
de Cirugía de Mínimo Acceso, Cuba, 2010-2022. Percentages, means
and standard deviation were utilized; mean comparisons and to prove
associations Ji- square test and Student’s t-test. Survival function was
estimated by Kaplan Meier (reliability 95 %).
Results: 59.7 % underwent radical nephrectomy and 40.3 % nephron-sparing
surgery. Mean age 57.9 years. 66.2 % were male, 61,7 % ASA II. Incidental
diagnosis was more frequent in nephron-sparing surgery (74.2
%). Mean size of the masses was less in nephron–sparing surgery (34.3
mm vs. 53.4 mm), higher postoperative glomerular filtrate (p<0.05)
and R.E.N.A.L. score was of low complexity in 58,1 %. 20.1 % of the
patients presented complicacions, more frequent in nephron-sparing
surgery (p=0,00). Clear-cell carcinoma prevailed (69.5 %), tumoral stage
I (86.4 % ). Estimated recurrence at 10 years was lower in patients
who had nephron-sparing surgery (94.2 % vs 85.9 %). Cancer-specific
survival in patients who underwent radical nephrectomy was 90.2 %
(10 years follow-up) vs. nephron-sparing surgery 100 %.
Conclusions: Laparoscopic surgery for renal carcinoma was feasible
and safe, with better postoperative renal function, lower recurrence
rate and higher cancer-specífic survival in nephron-sparing surgery,
albeit presented more postoperative complications.
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