2024, Number 5
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Rev Mex Urol 2024; 84 (5)
Epidemiology and clinical characteristics of bladder tumors recorded in a reference hospital in the Yucatan Peninsula
Monzón FJF, Ferreiro OFD, Mendoza AME, Flores TJP, Esqueda MA, Cruz NE
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 256.29 Kb.
Introduction: in Mexico, bladder tumors rank fourth in urological tumor presentation,
accounting for 14.4 % of cases, following prostate, testicular, and
kidney cancer. The male-to-female ratio is 3.8:1. Bladder cancer is one of the
main causes of consultation in patients with macroscopic hematuria and clot
formation. Therefore, it should always be considered as an exclusion diagnosis
in these patients due to its potential progression and impact on morbidity and
mortality if detected in advanced stages.
Objectives: to determine the prevalence and clinical characteristics of registered
cases of bladder cancer in the urology department.
Materials and methods: this is a descriptive, observational, cross-sectional
study that will evaluate the medical records of patients with registered cases
of bladder cancer in the Urology Department of the
Hospital Regional de Alta
Especialidad de la Península de Yucatán in Mexico, from from January 2017 to
July 2021.
Results: of total 453 genitourinary tumors, 15.62 %, 29 patients with bladder
tumor and a 4-year medical follow-up were included, bladder tumor is predominantly
found in men with a male-to-female ratio of 3.83 men per woman.
The mean age at diagnosis is 65 years. Among modifiable risk factors, smoking
is the main factor affecting 44.8 % of the cases. According to the histological
classification, the predominant subtype was urothelial carcinoma. The average
time from symptom onset to medical attention by the patients was 11.9 months.
T4 stage was detected in 27.59 % of the cases, with a mortality rate of 6.9 %.
Conclusion: bladder cancer is one of the three most common urological cancers,
affecting the quality of life and with a high morbidity and mortality when
detected at advanced stages, requiring aggressive surgical procedures with a
high risk of complications.
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