2025, Number 1
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Aten Fam 2025; 32 (1)
Evaluation of the “Lose Weight, Gain Life” Program in Anthropometric and Biochemical Parameters
Hernández-Mendoza M, Vargas-Jimenez E, Alcántara-González LG, Flores-Cruz U, Uribe-Vázquez Y, Ávila-Pérez JR, Cabañas-Monter AJ
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 53-58
PDF size: 218.26 Kb.
Objective: to analyze the reduction of
body weight and the modification of
anthropometric and biochemical parameters
of the beneficiaries enrolled in
the “Pierde Kilos, Gana Vida” program.
Methods: cross-sectional analytical
study carried out at the General Zone
Hospital with Family Medicine No. 1 of
the Mexican Institute of Social Security
(IMMS) in Pachuca, Hidalgo. Eighty-three
records were reviewed in the database
of the aforementioned program, obtained
by non-probabilistic convenience
sampling, with the following selection
criteria: records of patients over 18 years
of age, with a diagnosis of overweight
and obesity. The study variables were
weight, abdominal perimeter, body mass
index (BMI), glucose, cholesterol and
triglyceride levels at program entry and
exit. Inferential statistics were performed
with Student’s t and Wilcoxon statistical
tests, a value of p‹0.05 was considered
statistically significant.
Results: 78.3%
of the participants reduced an average
of 3.204 kg (3.81%) of body weight (p=
0.000). 69.88% reduced abdominal perimeter
by an average of 5.29 cm (4.51%)
(p= 0.000). While 2.41% managed to
change their nutritional status to normal
weight. More than 50% decreased their
glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride
levels (p‹0.05).
Conclusion: the “Lose
Weight, Gain Life” program generated
significant reductions in weight, abdominal
perimeter, BMI and biochemical
levels in several participants. Although
important results were achieved, there
is room for improvement, especially in
terms of compliance with program objectives
and long-term follow-up.
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