2025, Number 1
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Aten Fam 2025; 32 (1)
Relationship between family functioning and depression in older adults at a primary care clinic
Rosales-Peña AK, González-Domínguez R, González Pedraza-Avilés A
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 46-52
PDF size: 172.90 Kb.
Objective: to analyze the relationship
between the perception of family functionality
and depression in older adults
with various pathologies.
cross-sectional analytical study, 250 patients
aged 60 years or older attending
the Family Medicine Clinic Gustavo A.
Madero, Mexico City, of the Instituto
de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los
Trabajadores del Estado (Institute of
Security and Social Services of the State
Workers) participated. The Yesavage
questionnaire for the diagnosis of depression
and the FF-SIL family functioning
test were applied. The Kruskal-Wallis
test was used to relate both variables
due to the ordinal and polytomous level
of the independent variable. The level
of statistical significance was ‹0.05 to
reject the null hypothesis.
Results: the
median age was 72 years, 62.4% were
female. In family functionality, 5.2%
had a dysfunctional family and none presented
severe dysfunctionality. Regarding
depression, 9.6% presented moderate
and severe symptoms. In the analysis of
the relationship between the variables
of family functionality and diagnosis of
depression, statistical significance was
obtained (p‹0.0001). Some degree of
depression was present in 84.6% of the
patients with family dysfunction, while
in functional families depression was
present in 17.4% of the patients. In the
relationship between the same variables,
considering the comorbidities type 2
diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension,
prostate alteration, venous insufficiency,
dyslipidemia and osteoarthrosis, in all
cases there was statistical significance
regardless of whether or not they presented
the pathology. On the other hand,
in patients with a diagnosis of cancer,
thyroid dysfunction, sleep disorder and
cerebral vascular event, there was no
statistical significance between the variables
when the patients presented the
Conclusion: A statistically
significant relationship was obtained
between the levels of family functionality
and the presence of depression in the
general population, and for most of the
comorbidities, regardless of whether the
condition was present or not. However,
in pathologies such as thyroid dysfunction,
cerebral vascular event, cancer and
sleep disorders, when the pathology was
present, no statistical significance was
obtained between the variables.
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