2025, Number 1
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salud publica mex 2025; 67 (1)
Conversations about cigarette health warning labels and smoking cessation attempts in Mexico
Arillo-Santillán EJ, Rodríguez-Bolaños R, Gallegos-Carrillo K, Monterrubio-Flores E, Vidaña-Pérez D, Thrasher JF
Language: English
References: 43
Page: 74-82
PDF size: 316.91 Kb.
Objective. Evaluate how conversations about health
warning labels (HWLs) influence attempts to quit smoking
(QAs) and sustained attempts to quit (SQAs) among in
Mexican adult who smoke.
Materials and methods.
Data were analyzed from a cohort of 2 164 participants
surveyed every four months between November 2018 and
March 2021. Multinomial models regressed the frequency of
talking about HWLs on sociodemographics and smokingrelated
variables. Generalized Estimating Equations assessed
whether the effect of HWL talking frequency on QAs and,
separately, SQAs at follow-up was mediated by the topic of
Results. The majority reported having talked
about HWLs (63.7%), regarding the harms of tobacco (73.3%),
cessation benefits (58.5%), and lack of credibility/utility of
HWLs (9.8%). At follow-up, 42.0% reported an QAs and
20.7% an SQAs. Conversations about HWLs were more
frequent among younger participants, those with a university
education, those who had recently attempted to quit smoking,
and those intending to quit. Talking about HWLs was associated
with a higher frequency of QAs and SQAs, mediated
equally by discussions about cessation benefits and tobacco
Conclusion. Conversation topics around HWL are
with more smoking cessation attempts. Mexican
HWLs focus primarily on harms, more research is needed
to evaluate the optimal mix of content.
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