2025, Number 1
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salud publica mex 2025; 67 (1)
Functional food consumption preference in Culiacán, Mexico
Gutiérrez-Grijalva EP, Arámburo-Gálvez JG, Figueroa-Salcido OG, Leyva-López N, Gastélum-Chavira DA, Cárdenas-Torres FI, Heredia JB
Language: English
References: 41
Page: 28-38
PDF size: 300.47 Kb.
Objective. To determine functional food consumption
preferences in Culiacán, Mexico.
Materials and methods.
A survey was designed, validated, and implemented to gather
information on functional food consumption. Associations
between health conditions and functional food consumption
were evaluated. Using the Borda count methodology, the
preference order of different functional foods was identified,
seeking statistical differences between preferences.
Results. A validated questionnaire was obtained for the
survey application. Association was found between having a
diagnosed illness, undergoing medical treatment, and sex with
awareness of functional foods; however, no association was
observed between having a diagnosed illness and potential
functional food consumption. The top three preferred foods
were beverages, bars, and yogurt, with taste being the most
important characteristic for functional food consumption.
Conclusions. There is low consumption of functional foods,
which may be associated with various factors. In designing
and developing functional foods, it is important to consider
preferences such as beverages, bars, and yogurts, emphasizing
consumer taste acceptance.
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