2025, Number 1
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salud publica mex 2025; 67 (1)
Premature mortality in individuals living with type 2 diabetes in Jalisco, Mexico, 2011-2019
Palacio-Mejía LS, Álvarez-Aceves M, Ramírez-Knape N, Guzmán-Sandoval L, Mejía-Arias MA, Morales-Carmona E, Espín-Arellano LI, Tamayo-Ortiz M, Tamayo-Orozco JA, Lastiri-Quirós HS, Hernández-Ávila M, Hernández-Ávila JE
Language: English
References: 31
Page: 8-19
PDF size: 420.67 Kb.
Objective. To estimate survival outcomes in a population
living with diabetes, screened for chronic kidney disease
(CKD) and to describe characteristics associated with premature
mortality using data from an administrative cohort
in Jalisco, Mexico.
Materials and methods. Using and
administrative cohort design, we investigated the 8-year cumulative
mortality associated with CKD. We linked screening
with mortality data and described population characteristics
by CKD stage, computed years of life lost (YLL), and performed
Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox proportional hazard
models to analyze survival and mortality risk factors.
At screening, 44% of the cohort exhibited impaired
renal function. The mortality rate stood at 14%, 2.5% linked
to CKD; 8.7% were premature deaths, accumulating 8 036
YLL. Eight-year survival was 93% for individuals with normal
renal function at screening, decreasing to 41% for those with
glomerular filtration rate below 30 mL/min/1.73m². Albumincreatinine
ratio ›300 mg/dl, increased years since diabetes
diagnosis, hypertension, amputations, retinopathy, and smoking
were associated with higher mortality risk; female sex and
obesity with a lower risk.
Conclusion. The high prevalence
of renal impairment in this cohort and its association with
high mortality underscores the critical importance of timely
detection and protocolized intervention for CKD to mitigate
this burden.
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