2003, Number 1
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An Med Asoc Med Hosp ABC 2003; 48 (1)
Evolution of auditory threshold evaluated through brain stem auditory evoked potentials in a group of infants with congenital rubella infection
Cornú GML, Hernández OF, Hernández PE, Kuri MP, Álvarez LCH, Carrión FVI, Serment GG
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 24-32
PDF size: 73.83 Kb.
Introduction: 50-90% of patients with congenital rubella infection will develop hearing loss.
Objective: To know the evolution of auditory thresholds in a group of infants with congenital rubella infection in the first year of life.
Material and methods: In 14 patients with congenital rubella infection, hearing was determined through brain stem auditory evoked potentials and exploration of cochlear-palpebral reflex. Evolution of neurophysiological thresholds related to cochlear-palpebral reflex was also evaluated.
Results: 86% of infants presented abnormal auditory thresholds upon first examination, only 36% of cases were confirmed abnormal on second evaluation. The presence of cochlear-palpebral reflex on first evaluation was related to normal hearing on second evaluation. Absence of cochlear-palpebral reflex was related to hearing loss on second examination.
Conclusions: We confirmed that hearing loss is the most frequent impairment in congenital rubella infection, as shown in 36% of patients in study group. Presence of cochlear-palpebral reflex is a sign of good prognosis in recovery of auditory function, its absence is associated to significant hearing loss
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