2022, Number 04
Risk relationship between dyslipemia and COVID-19
Language: Spanish
References: 45
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The presence of dyslipemia in patients with COVID-19 seems to increase the clinical course of the disease. In this literature review the main mechanisms that link them and their implications in the treatment of the affected patients are described. To carry out this work a literature search was made in databases, such as academic Google, SciELO, Annual Reviews and PMC. The analyzed describers were COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, dyslipemia, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, hypercholesterolemia and VLDL lipoproteins. Articles of magazines arbitrated by pairs and available to complete text, published in English and Spanish were preferably revised. In spite of the controversies, dyslipemia is a risk factor of unfavorable prognosis in patients affected with COVID-19 and the treatment for the patients with that unfavourable condition improve this prognosis.REFERENCES
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