2024, Number 6
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2024; 45 (6)
El desarrollo de la biomecánica masticatoria desde el período prenatal hasta el prepuberal
Shukla B, Panda A
Language: English
References: 25
Page: 596-604
PDF size: 224.14 Kb.
Introduction: Mastication is coordinated motor skill that is most effective through
synchronized crosstalk between the teeth, bone and muscles. A combination of molecular
signaling and central pattern generators govern the development and physiology
of mastication. As primates, humans have evolved with the changing dietary shifts for
their survival. The adaptive mechanisms in the involved structures allows us to puncture,
pierce, cut, crush, grind, nip, incise, scrap, and strip different dietary textures.
Objective: The objective of this review is to understand the developmental dynamics
and rhythmogenesis of mastication in children from the point of view of myology,
odontology, and evolutionary perspective.
Relevance: This chronological review helps in understanding how the multi-faceted
nature of the masticatory apparatus comes into being from the prenatal to the prepubertal
period. It enables pediatricians and pediatric dental surgeons to understand the
oro-motor development while intervening with any treatment involving muscle tonicity
of the masticatory organ.
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