2024, Number 12
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2024; 92 (12)
Endometriosis stage III-IV effect on assisted reproduction cycles: IVF and ICSI
Sorvia NKD, Barros DJC, Espino SS
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 501-509
PDF size: 301.72 Kb.
Objective: To describe the impact of stage III-IV endometriosis on ovarian reserve
markers, number of retrieved oocytes, implantation rate, clinical pregnancy rate, and
live birth rate compared to patients without endometriosis.
Materials and Methods: Prospective, analytical cohort study at the Instituto Nacional
de Perinatologia Isidro Espinosa de los Reyes between the months of January 2018
and December 2023 in patients in in vitro fertilization protocol or by intracytoplasmic
Inclusion criteria: patients diagnosed with stage III-IV endometriosis and
endometriomas as the study group and the control group patients with any diagnosis
of infertility except stage I-IV endometriosis.
Results: 178 patients with age limits of 25 and 42 years were studied; 89 in the study
group and 89 in the control group with any diagnosis of infertility except stage I-IV
endometriosis. All patients received in vitro fertilization cycles or intracytoplasmic
sperm injection (ICSI). Antimüllerian hormone concentrations (1.6 ± 1.3
vs. 2.5 ±
1.4; p ‹ 0.005) and antral follicle counts (11.4 ± 8.3
vs. 17.5 ± 10.3, p ‹ 0.001) were
significantly lower in the stage III-IV endometriosis group. Fewer total follicles (16.2 ±
vs. 23.1 ± 9.7, p ‹ 0.001) and fewer retrieved oocytes (7.3 ± 5.1
vs. 10.4 ± 4.6, p
‹ 0.001) as well as fewer metaphase II oocytes (6.5 ± 4.7
vs. 8.6 ± 4.2, p 0.003) were
found. No reduction in anti-müllerian hormone or antral follicle count was observed
in patients with a history of endometrioma or with endometrioma but without surgery.
Pregnancy rates were similar in both groups.
Conclusions: Patients with stage III-IV endometriosis undergoing assisted reproductive
treatment have decreased ovarian reserve markers and ovarian response to
stimulation compared to patients with other causes of infertility. Despite this, pregnancy
rates are similar in both groups.
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