2022, Number 1
Orthodontic-surgical approach in the treatment of a transmigrated lower right canine
López-Gómez Y, Rodríguez-Acosta M, León-Arteaga BL, Velázquez-Méndez MT
Language: Spanish
References: 0
PDF size: 827.98 Kb.
Introduction: If an impacted canine tooth crosses the midline towards the opposite side, it is considered as dental transmigration. It is a rare condition with low ranges of prevalence. The surgical-orthodontic treatment is one of the therapeutic options.Objective: To describe the orthodontic-surgical treatment results, in a patient, with transmigrated lower right canine.
Case report: An 11-year-old male patient attended the general practitioner for dental evaluation, his chief complaint was the absence of one deciduous tooth and the permanent still un-erupted and the tipping of the upper incisors. During the orthodontic examination was noted insufficient space to tooth 43 in the arch. The patient was diagnosed with Moyers’ class II malocclusion division 1 syndrome. The radiographic examination confirmed the diagnosis of impacted and transmigrated lower right canine, mesioangular position across the midline within the chin area. Orthodontic-surgical treatment was carried out to bring the canine tooth to its functional position.
Conclusions: Orthodontic-surgical treatment restored the function and aesthetics to the patient, through the right positioning of the canine in the arch. It could be considered as a therapeutic alternative in the case of transmigrated mandibular canine with type 1 pattern.