2022, Number 1
Usefulness of the pyrogallol salicylate method in identifying the salivary lactoperoxidase thiocyanate
Piñón-García K, Rosales-Torres P, Toledo-Cabarcos Y, Correa-Borrell M
Language: Spanish
References: 0
PDF size: 580.48 Kb.
Introduction: The malignant mixed müllerian tumor is an infrequent, aggressive uterine neoplasm and is histologically characterized by containing sarcomatous and carcinomatous malignant elements.Objective: To describe a case of a malignant mixed Müllerian tumor and to review the literature on the subject.
Case report: A 63-year-old black female patient, obese and hypertensive under treatment, with a history of right mastectomy six months ago, who was consulted due to increased abdominal volume, lower abdominal pain and uterine bleeding. With the administration of combined anesthesia (general orotracheal and continuous epidural regional) a giant uterine fibroid was resected and the diagnosis of a malignant mixed Müllerian tumor was confirmed.
Conclusions: Malignant mixed Müllerian tumor should be suspected in elderly women with genital bleeding accompanied by a pelvic mass. The pathological study is of choice for the definitive diagnosis of this rare and potentially aggressive neoplasm. Surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are the most accepted therapeutic options, however, in women with advanced stage tumors, regardless of the treatment provided, the survival rate is short.