2024, Number 11
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2024; 92 (11)
Maternal heart disease and pregnancy. Three years’ experience in a referral hospital
de Castro ML, Rodríguez MF, Martín BME, Ruíz CJ, Fernández MMC, Bartha RJL
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 441-449
PDF size: 211.55 Kb.
Objectives: To describe the main characteristics of pregnant patients with heart
disease, to describe the follow-up and evolution of their pregnancies, delivery conditions
and perinatal outcomes.
Materials and Methods: Observational, descriptive and retrospective study carried
out in pregnant patients with cardiac disease attended between March 2021 and
September 2023 at the Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid, Spain. Study parameters:
maternal characteristics, prenatal care, obstetric and fetal complications, information
on type of abortion and perinatal outcomes.
Results: Thirty-nine patients were studied, 34 of whom had maternal congenital
heart disease with NYHA functional class I-IV. Cesarean section was indicated in nine
patients. There was one case of fetal heart disease, two cases of intrauterine growth
restriction, one case of nonviable premature rupture of membranes, one antepartum
death, and four preterm deliveries. Maternal complications were less severe in
patients with NYHA functional class 1.
Conclusions: Although the total number of cases in each functional class was
small, the trend toward complications described in the literature like increased risk of preterm delivery, neonatal disease recurrence, fetal growth restriction, and increased
maternal morbidity were found. It is clear that preconception counseling and adequate multidisciplinary follow-up are essential to achieve good perinatal outcomes.
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