2024, Number 10
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Med Int Mex 2024; 40 (10)
Personalized medicine
Cerón LS, Martínez SLM, Senior BPA
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 657-663
PDF size: 322.33 Kb.
Precision medicine is a term that has become very popular in recent times, which
explains that each individual has different characteristics at molecular, physiological,
epigenetic and behavioral level. Therefore, every patient should receive
interventions that are adaptable to either one. DNA contains genes that are part of
the genetic code, which oversees synthesizing protein. To study this process, five
sciences were created: proteomics, transcriptomic, epigenomic, metabolomic and
pharmacogenomics. Through these techniques, modern medicine is evolving, trying
to pursue adjusted therapies, less exposure to ineffective or toxic medication, greater
adherence to the treatment and increased patient participation in their recovery
process. Some illnesses that could be treated by precision medicine are neoplastic
processes, autoimmune and cardiovascular diseases. However, to accomplish these
precise treatments it is required infrastructure, trained professional team, economic
resources in healthcare and other considerations that could obstruct the applicability
of this new medical practice.
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