2022, Number 3
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Medisur 2022; 20 (3)
Medical education, changing with change once again: reengineering or resetting?
Espinosa BAD, Espinosa RAA, García NRD
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 391-401
PDF size: 265.94 Kb.
The issue of medical training in the face of change is not new. In this work, the author’s ideas are exposed about the changes that are considered necessary in our medical education to try to answer the current complex context of the world, the society and the health profile, in search of the doctor’s training that we need. The current context of medical practice in the world and in Cuban health services in recent decades is reviewed, as well as the main transformations that occurred in medical education during this stage in the country. A series of questions are raised related to the training of doctors today, also regarding the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic. Faced with the proposal to “change what has to be changed” in Cuban medical education, it is estimated that there are three aspects that will transcend any modification in our country: care-teaching-research integration as an organizational-structural-functional axis; education at work as an essential driver of the teaching-educational process and prioritizing the comprehensive training of future health professionals, not just scientific-technical education. Reformat? No, it would be start all over again, erasing everything that was built with so much effort and with good results. Reengineering? Yes, renewal of processes, be careful with what should change and what should remain untouched. It is recommended throughout this process to conjugate the "magic verbs": think, study, work, be passionate, share, serve and love.
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