2024, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2024; 66 (6)
Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the epidemiological weekly report surveillance system of Mexico
Delgado-Juárez GC, Bernal-Silva S, Méndez-González KJ, Contreras-Ibáñez CC, Comas-García A
Language: English
References: 25
Page: 831-841
PDF size: 427.45 Kb.
Objective. To quantify the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
on the reporting rate of notifiable diseases in Mexico
between 2020-2022.
Materials and methods. Data
were obtained from the Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin of
the Ministry of Health of the Government of Mexico for the
period 2014-2022. One hundred thirty-two endemic channels
were created by calculating the weekly percentiles 25th,
50th, and 75th for the period 2014-2019. Subsequently, data
recorded between 2020-2022 were compared, determining
if more or fewer cases were reported than expected. Prepandemic
data tendency was considered.
Results. The
study included 132 diseases from 2014 to 2019, reporting
an annual median of 49 947 420 cases. In comparison with
the data reported between 2014-2019, there was a decrease
in the reported cases of 39.9% in 2020, 19.7% in 2021, and
25.7% in 2022. Thirty-one diseases increased their reporting,
while 101 decreased. Of the diseases that increased,
seven were sexually transmitted, 13 were infectious, and five
were chronic-metabolic.
Conclusions. The pandemic has
significantly impacted the landscape of mandatory notifiable
diseases in Mexico. The pandemic has led to modifications in
the epidemiological trends of disease reporting.
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