2024, Number 52
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (52)
Implementation of a low-cost model for training on ultrasound-guided vascular access
Ilescas-Martínez I, Santiago-López AT, Castro-Reyes LO, Pinacho-Colmenares MJ, Navarro-Hernández Q, Isario-Martínez JY
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 62-73
PDF size: 1045.63 Kb.
Introduction: Vascular access procedures are an essential
competency for medical residents, with ultrasoundguided
insertion being an effective and safe method.
There are numerous simulators for central venous catheter
insertion, although many of them are inaccessible for
educational institutions.
Objective: To evaluate the implementation of a low-cost
model for training in central venous catheter insertion.
Method: A quasi-experimental educational intervention
was carried out with resident doctors from the Hospital
Regional de Alta Especialidad de Oaxaca
Results: 33 medical residents were trained, 54.5% of
whom were male. 72.7% were familiar with the correct
technique for placing ultrasound-guided vascular accesses,
and 51.5% felt confident to perform this task before the
training. Subsequently, 69.7% considered that the model
was analogous to human anatomy and 90.9% reported
that the device provided a clear ultrasound image of the
structures. In addition, 81.8% valued the model as suitable
for training residents in the placement of ultrasoundguided
vascular accesses.
The design of accessible simulators is crucial in developing
countries to increase confidence and speed
up the learning curve of the staff in training. Low-cost
models would facilitate the acquisition of clinical skills,
which would result in an improvement in quality care for
health service users.
Conclusions: Our model facilitates this learning without
the need for large budgets or an increase in the risk
of complications when performing this type of procedures,
especially for those with little or no experience
in the placement of ultrasound-guided central venous
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