2024, Number 09
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Med Int Mex 2024; 40 (09)
Effects of omnivorous and vegetarian diets on health-disease biomarkers
Torres BO, Villaegas OA, Fregoso UJE, Martínez BDL, Ramos IML, Arellano GME
Language: Spanish
References: 50
Page: 591-602
PDF size: 400.76 Kb.
Background: A good diet is essential for the maintenance of health; the debate lies
in which is more appropriate: omnivorous or vegetarian.
Objective: To describe the overview of the effects of omnivorous and vegetarian diets
on health, biochemical profile, vitamins, iron, and other metals.
Methodology: A simple literature review was performed, using PubMed and
Google Scholar from 2005 to 2023. The following words were used: omnivorous diet,
vegetarian, health effect, biochemical profile, vitamins, iron and other metals.
Results: A total of 279 articles in Spanish and English were identified and 50 of them
were screened by full-text analysis. They were not included when the basic contributions
were repetitive. There was dissent among authors, possibly because some studies
do not reflect current conditions, country of origin, sample size, population, or age.
Omnivorous diet promotes high levels of selenium, vitamin E, niacin, protein, total
cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides, but with risk of folate and vitamin C deficiency.
Vegetarian diet results in higher concentrations of vitamin C, folate, carotenoids and
heavy metals, carbohydrates, and occasional triglycerides, but carries a higher risk of
vitamin D, B
12, calcium, iron and zinc deficiency.
Conclusions: All diets, even with differences in intake and plasma concentration of elements, can potentially meet the basic requirements by attending to specific individual
needs and incorporating supplements or fortified products.
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