2024, Number 1
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Rev Hematol Mex 2024; 25 (1)
Pernicious anemia: Effects on the health of older adults and treatment
Morales CL, Cardoso RMC
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 18-30
PDF size: 446.71 Kb.
Background: Human aging is a gradual and adaptive process characterized by a
relative decrease in the homeostatic response as a consequence of a series of morphological,
physiological, biochemical and psychological modifications, caused by
changes immanent in age. The objective of this article is to analyze the effects and
different treatments prescribed in pernicious anemia in older adults.
Materials and Methods: A systematic search of original articles was carried out
according to the indications proposed in the PRISMA guide (Preferred Reporting Items
for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses), the databases consulted were PubMed,
MedicLatina, Nutrition Reference Center, Sage Journals, Apa PsycNet, Eric and Food
Science Source, with the Boolean AND and OR computers, under the keywords Pernicious
anemia, Effects, Treatment and Older adults, based on the MeSh (Medical Subject
Heading) and DeCS (Descriptors of Health Sciences). The searches were in Spanish
and English, during May and June 2021.
Results: Four hundred fifty-eight papers were found, 379 of these were removed due
to non-inclusion criteria, inconsistencies, articles not available in full text and other
reasons (invalid instruments); 30 papers were included in total and analyzed in this
study. The effects of pernicious anemia in older adults found in these studies were:
mild cognitive deficit and dementia syndrome, depression, neoplastic complications,
myelophthisic anemia and venous thromboembolism.
Conclusions: Various factors involved in affecting the performance of older adults
are highlighted, especially when they are associated with cognitive deficiency that
result in significant disability and loss in the quality of life.
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