2024, Number 3
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2024; 44 (3)
Aeromonas-associated diarrhea
Vargas MME, Reyes GU, Fraga PJ, Reyes HKL, García CLE, Espinosa SMC
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 119-127
PDF size: 212.75 Kb.
Aeromonas is a rod-shaped, gram-negative, facultative anaerobic bacterium. Fourteen species of
Aeromonas have been described, most of which have been associated with human disease. The most important pathogens are
caviae, A. veronii biovar sobria and
A. hydrophila. The information available on gastrointestinal or extra-intestinal disease resulting from the consumption of food contaminated by this microorganism is limited. The main risk factors are the consumption of contaminated marine products and products irrigated with contaminated water, the water
is the reservoir. It presents with two types of symptoms: gastroenteral and systemic: fever ›38.5 °C, liquid stools
and vomiting in 75% of cases. Extra-intestinal locations are sepsis, peritonitis, meningitis, pneumonia, endocarditis,
urinary tract infection, and conjunctivitis, most common in immunocompromised patients or with associated diseases.
Aeromonas gastroenteritis is self-limiting in most cases, requiring antimicrobial treatment in less than 30%.
The consumer’s education, water purification and food handlers (mainly fish) education are the key to prevent the
occurrence of the disease and avoid outbreaks.
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