2024, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (2)
Gender-based violence
Torres VLE
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 797-815
PDF size: 490.75 Kb.
Gender-based violence is a topic that is frequently on everyone's lips, both because of the events that happen every day and because of the voices that are for and against the way in which it is understood and addressed. Some people feel that it is given a lot of importance, and others feel that more aggressive actions should be taken to eradicate it; Whatever your opinion, it is necessary to know the subject and pay attention to the way it manifests itself in our family, work and social context. In this article we will focus on presenting several definitions that have been developed by different organizations and institutions on the concept of Gender Violence, as well as some concepts that preceded it and that allowed us to arrive at the current concept. It is shown that from the Gender Perspective it is possible to understand, study, research and eradicate gender-based violence; behaviors defined as gender-based violence are pointed out and crimes are listed in the Penal Code of the State of Mexico (because it is the Federal Entity from which we investigate) such as crimes against sexual freedom (sexual harassment, sexual abuse, statutory rape and rape) and crimes of gender-based violence (institutional, obstetric, labor, kinship violence, politics and femicide). We conclude by arguing the need to be clear about the concept of gender-based violence, for each person to evaluate the behavior that people have towards them and the behavior that they have towards other people, with the aim of changing beliefs and therefore behaviors, for the achievement of a life free of violence.
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