2024, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (2)
Contributions of the gender perspective in the analysis of sexual harassment and harassment
González ORM
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 775-796
PDF size: 387.58 Kb.
The purpose of this chapter is to analyze how the gender perspective has provided elements to understand the social and cultural construction of gender stereotypes and the impact they have on molestation and sexual harassment. The application of the gender perspective in social studies lies in the possibilities it offers to understand how discrimination against women occurs and the ways to transform it. Currently, gender studies have expanded their object of study, emphasizing both the condition of women and men and the way in which they relate, recognizing both identities based on historical-social constructions. Another contribution is that it discovers and points out the need to accept that there are diverse ways of recognizing ourselves sexually, socially and culturally. To eradicate all forms of discrimination against women and against men, it is necessary to prioritize the elimination of gender stereotypes. In this sense, we must make visible that gender stereotypes are beliefs about human groups that are created and shared in and among human groups of as given culture; they are cognitive constructs that define the physical, social and cultural position that we live, therefore, they are beliefs that become social mandates. All social institutions
participate in the constructions of gender stereotypes serve to define goals and expectations, from a sexual evolution for men and women, often justifying greater violence towards them. So, from a gender perspective, sexual harassment is possible because there are imbalances in power relations that are defined in the context of the interaction between people. Sexual harassment and harassment are characterized by an unwanted imposition of sexual demands on a person of any sex, taking advantage of any circumstance that produces disadvantage, defenselessness or imminent risk for the victim. Furthermore, sexual harassment occurs, taking advantage, from a work, teaching, or domestic hierarchy. Although sexual harassment are sexual crimes that occur throughout the world, this work makes visible those that occur in university environments. We are interested in the effects they have on academic performance, physical and psychological health, which in the long term will interfere with their professional opportunities. When we think about university spaces, we usually believe that they are the natural environment so that there are no inequalities and violence, but these exist since the university community is made up of people who come from a complex society permeated by ancestral practices of domination, which derive in forms of discrimination and violence. Therefore, it is currently an essential and urgent issue to eradicate sexual harassment and harassment that exists in university spaces.
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